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Allergic Diseases

No Wait Surgery offers comprehensive solutions for allergic diseases, including advanced diagnostics, tailored treatments, and innovative immunotherapy, providing global patients with a path to relief.

About Allergic Diseases

Allergy, an intriguing but sometimes perplexing phenomenon, represents an extraordinary response of our immune system to seemingly harmless substances, known as allergens, present in our environment. Our body’s immune system typically orchestrates various defenses to shield us from foreign invaders, safeguarding us through our mouth, nose, and skin.

However, in the case of allergies, the immune system exhibits an unusually extreme reaction to substances that are ordinarily benign.

The Role of Liv Hospital Allergy Clinic

Liv Hospital Allergy Clinic, situated in the heart of Turkey, champions the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases with a multifaceted approach. Notably, they employ skin and blood tests for precise diagnostics, complementing these with a spectrum of preventive measures, medication, and groundbreaking immunotherapy, also known as allergy vaccine treatment.

This immunotherapy, available in both subcutaneous and sublingual forms, is tailored to suit the needs of each patient.

Unpacking the Genetic Predisposition

Allergies often have a genetic basis, and they manifest when the body develops an immune sensitivity to certain substances, which then become allergens. These allergens, though generally harmless to most, can trigger allergic diseases in individuals predisposed to allergies, known as atopic individuals.

Allergic diseases, stemming from a blend of genetic predisposition and environmental factors, are chronic conditions that neither spread from person to person nor through transportation. Instead, they emerge when an individual’s sensitivity to environmental allergens prompts the immune system to release IgE antibodies. These antibodies, coursing through the bloodstream, latch onto immune system cells.

When exposed to the allergen again, the body mounts an exaggerated allergic response, with thousands of immune system molecules creating an abnormal reaction in the affected organ.

Common Culprits: Identifying the Most Frequent Allergens

Allergens are diverse, encompassing grass and tree pollens, house dust mites, pet dander, mold spores, various foods (such as milk, eggs, soy, seafood, and fruits), cockroaches, bee stings, medications, latex, and chemical substances like resins, rubber, and nickel.

Symptoms of Allergic Diseases

Symptoms of allergic diseases vary in type and severity, influenced by the specific disease, age, and gender of the patient. They encompass:

  • Allergic sinusitis: Characterized by sneezing, nasal itching, runny or congested nose, eye conjunctivitis, postnasal drip, sore throat, eye redness and itching, ear-related discomfort, headaches, olfactory disturbances, and more.
  • Asthma: Manifesting as shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and chest congestion, often appearing suddenly, recurring, and potentially waking individuals at night.
  • Skin allergies: Showcasing itching, swelling, red rashes, watery eyes, crusting, skin thickening, and skin discoloration.
  • Gastric and intestinal tract allergies: Leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, appetite loss, weight loss, anemia-related weakness, eyelid and leg swelling.
  • Angioneurotic edema and anaphylaxis: Ranging from facial swelling, throat constriction, skin reactions, shortness of breath, and blood pressure changes to fever, palpitations, and even life-threatening scenarios.

Diagnosis: Shedding Light on Allergies

Diagnosing allergies involves skin tests (Prick tests) to assess the skin’s reaction to common allergens and blood tests to measure the levels of IgE antibodies associated with specific allergens.

Treatment Strategies

Treatment of allergies encompasses preventive measures, medication, and, in select cases, immunotherapy (allergy vaccine treatment). The first line of defense involves avoiding allergen exposure. Medications, including antihistamines and corticosteroids, play a crucial role in symptom management.

For those unable to evade allergens or those responding poorly to conventional therapies, immunotherapy, administered through subcutaneous or sublingual injections, offers hope. This process gradually desensitizes the body to allergens, reducing allergic reactions and improving overall quality of life.

At No Wait Surgery, we are committed to guiding individuals from around the world on their journey to find relief from allergic diseases, connecting them with cutting-edge treatments and world-class medical facilities in Turkey.

Your path to better health starts with us, ensuring that waiting is never a barrier to your well-being.


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